Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rat Part Deux

Superman and the kids climbed into the crawl space in search of the rat (or rat family, knowing my luck). The kids loved it and enjoyed seeing all the rat poop and footprints. Superman laid sticky traps (the idea is that the rat will be lured by the food onto the sticky trap, which will be so sticky they then can't escape--supposedly humane, but then the box says to throw the rat and trap away, wrapped in a plastic bag. Hello, rat still alive!!!) and poison. Well, when the sticky traps were checked a day later, all the food was gone and nobody was stuck on any traps. The next day the poison was obviously taking effect because Superman emailed me at work to tell me he found a rat clinging to life. He quickly dispatched it to a better world, and then left it out front for the neighborhood cats to eat. Like that would be a tasty meal. Anyway, when the kids got home, they wanted to see our "catch," which CBC then described as "heartbreaking." I swear, she is such a tender-hearted person. Anyway, she told me she said a little prayer and then told herself the rat was "in a happier place, where he can run and be free." The bad news is that this was much smaller than the rat I saw outside, so there are (were?) at least two rodent inhabitants.

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