Friday, November 5, 2010

Who, Nelly!

This is a plug for antibiotics . . . and a lament against winter. I can tell it's coming because I've already had my annual nasty cold, Buddy got pneumonia, my brother's kids all have walking penumonia, and now I have strep throat. All within the last four weeks. After being on antibiotics for two days, I finally feel like I'm going to live! If we could all have the immune system of CBC . . .


  1. So, Clark, in his very criptic way, said that you had been sick. I had no idea it was really really sick. And, pneumonia? That sucks! Sorry! We wish you guys could have come to Rohne's birthday. We missed you. Hooray for antibiotics though. Let me know if I can help in any way. We're having dinner at our house tomorrow at 5:30. . . Mexican Lasagne. . . . You're always welcome. . .

  2. or have a secret stash of antibiotics...
